Start Training Today!

Welcome to my crash course in how to harness the power of intent to discover and develop Integrated Strength. Together we will accomplish two very important things in the coming weeks. First, we will develop our daily Integrated Strength training habit. Second, we will build into that habit and evolving suite of exercises and practices that allow us to explore the ways we can use intent to empower our training.
Follow the progression of teaching & guided practice materials on this page and/or sign up for the Start Training Today Program for daily emails that will lead you through the same progression.
If you need help or have question please do not hesitate to book your free Check In session or sign up for livestreamed training with Q&A at the end.

Training Differently to Get Different Results
The methodology we will be employing in our personal practice may be different then what you have done before. In a nutshell we are using the power of Intent to (re)discover, develop and figure out how to use Integrated Strength or strength rooted in the tensegrity of our frame (the image on the left is a good representation of what we refer to as the 'frame', our body's core structure that includes bone and connective tissues).
We will be using what I call Feelizations a great deal and the Feelization process throughout our time training together. The first part of the Feelization process is to build up our ability to affect our body structure (frame) with our intent. For example, if we imagine holding something heavy we want our entire frame to adjust as if it is holding that heavy object.
A Feelization is essentially a hack of our subconscious, rather than intellectually will our various bits and pieces in the proper alignments we trick our subconscious into making them fore us.
In the videos we use a series of Feelizations to align our most fundamental posture, the Natural Stance. This series of Feelizations cans and should be used as a self-contained practice session for beginners or as and entrée for experienced practitioners.
You can work through each of the feelizations on your own time or sign up for the 14 day Get Started Today program that delivers the content on this page in a progressive fashion.

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Putting Together Our Fundamental Standing the State Practice
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I offer both private and small group lessons (check in sessions) on-line or in person. Use the button above yo book your spot(s) today.