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Writer's pictureSteve Ehrenreich

Tree Wrestling - Recalling & Releasing Vectors of Strength

The next step is to begin exploring our vectors, recalling them one at a time within our Tree Feeling. Lifting, pressing, pushing, pulling, twisting, turning, shifting, compressing and expanding should all be experienced in permutations and combination of shape, stance and hip variation.

In this phase/aspect of Tree Wrestling we will Release tension in two ways. First, we will release the vector feeling without releasing the Tree Feeling. This way we are training to return to a neutral ready state by dropping tension without loosing requisite tensegrity.

Second, we will release excess tension while keeping the Vector Feeling intact. This we we are separating the combined Tree & Vector Feeling from unnecessary tension, the beginning of pre-loading strength. In the next phase/aspect of Tree Wrestling the ability to recall and maintain Vector Feelings will be critically important.

Again we make both strategic and liberal use of our release procedure, separating wheat from chaff, dipping back into Tension - Release to remind and refine. One aspect of the practice informs and supports the others. Better Feelization leads to improved Memory Banking making it easier to Recall the desired feeling state 'cleaned' from unnecessary tension.

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