In the progressive sense we should only move on to Recall - Release practice after successfully using Tree Wrestling Feelizations to create and 'Memory Bank' the fundamental vectors. These Memory Banked feeling states is what we will be recalling in the Recall - Release phase/aspect of Tree Wrestling. Its OK to start playing with this as soon as we feel we have 'something in the bank' because, in a sense, we will continue to refine that feeling as we progress and Recall - Release will contribute to that refinement.
We start with the Tree Feeling. First, we work to recall the 'Memory Banked Feelizations'. For example, if we Feelized hugging our tree we simply want that feeling back without having to use the visualization to get there. Squeezing the tree between our knees? Gripping the bark with the finger tips? The feeling of it on our chest, belly and face? Absolutely!