Feelization by its very nature is going to introduce tension into our posture/shape. Some of this tension will serve the Integrated State and some will not. In order to separate the 'required tension' from 'unnecessary tension' we will make extensive use of our Tension-Release protocol.
Let's use the Tree Feelization as an example. Step one is to create tension using the Feelization process. With the creation of tension will come increased awareness of our feeling state. Using our breath we simply inhale into that feeling and exhale with a big sigh, 'aaaaaahhhhhhhh' to release as much tension as we can without dropping the feeling of embracing our tree.
We should pay special attention to the breath and the 'aaaahhhhh' as they are both psychological/physiological triggers. Breathing while the body is under stress requires relaxation while the 'aaahhhhhh' sigh is a nearly universal trigger to release tension. Use the Tension - Release liberally both to release excess tension, and, as we will discuss more below, to release the tension we create when working with vectors of Integrated Strength.