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Fundamental Frame Building

In this section we will build of the work we have begun on our formal practice by introducing into our formal practice a series of 'Obviation Feelizations' We call them 'Obviation Feelizations' because their purpose is to make more obvious in the feeling state linkages and relationships in our frame that we may be blissfully unaware of. We start with a little background then look at the Feelization Process in a bit more detail to get sense of how it evolves in our practice. Then, of course we will look at each Feelization in detail while we practice together before experiencing a few guided sessions designed to help incorporate the exercises into our daily practice.
The instructional and guided practice videos in this section are also available in a progressive 30 day program in addition to the self-guided layout here.
As always if you need help book a Check In session or attend attend live training, the buttons below will take you to the right spots.
Understanding the Feelization Process
For the purposes of the exercises in Fundamental Frame Building its important to know that a Feelization is a visualization with enough intensity to induce a change in our frame 'as-if' what is being visualized was actually happening. That Feelizations are how we tap, or more accurately perhaps hack our subconscious mind's intelligence to gain conscious control over our structure.
There is however, more to the process.

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In this webinar we will cover
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